Arlington Animal Hospital

1126 Cesery Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32211



General Behavior & Training


Brown Cat Sitting Next to a Broken Flower Pot



Many behaviors that are completely natural for dogs and cats—like barking or meowing, scratching, biting, digging, chewing, escaping, and running away—can prove to be challenging for some pet parents. Although advice abounds in the form of popular TV shows, books, and well-meaning friends and family, often the best and most efficient way to resolve your pet’s behavior problems is to seek assistance from a qualified professional.


If you're noticing behaviors that are outside of what's considered normal for your pet’s developmental stage, don't try to go it alone, we can help! Our team will first examine your pet for any possible physical causes of the behavior problem. If we can rule out a physical cause for the problem behavior, we'll help you learn how to correct or manage the problem through training, behavior modification, and sometimes drug therapy.


Arlington Animal Hospital believes in the necessity of behavior training in all species of animals. This section is here to help you, the owner, to have a better understanding of different behaviors, as well as how to train your pet the best way possible. We want to work with you and your pet on their behavior to ensure your and their safety, as well as providing them comfort in their daily lives.



Here are some helpful articles on some of the most commonly seen behavior issues from some trusted resources:


Dr. Sophia Yin - Cattledog Publishing: Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, CAAB, M.S. Animal Science (1966-2014) was a veterinarian, applied animal behaviorist, and the author of many books. Her knowledge, leadership, and research have become invaluable in transforming our relationships with the animals in our care. As an internationally renowned expert Dr. Yin developed Low Stress Handling™ techniques for animal handling and behavior modification. Through rigorous testing and research, she created a new standard of care for Veterinarians, Petcare, and other Companion and Farm Animal professionals.



Canine Behavior

What to do When Your Puppy Whines at Night

Was It Just a Little Bite or More? Evaluating Bite Levels in Dogs

What To Do When Your Puppy Potty Training Plan Fails

Neutered Male Dogs Can Still Have Sex

Handling Dominance Aggression in Dogs

Help, My Dog Bites! How to Deal with Dogs Who Bite

My Puppy Won’t Walk on Leash! 3 Ways to Train Your Puppy to Love Her Leash

A Foolproof Plan for Potty Training Puppies

Treatment of Food Aggression in Dogs is About Finesse, Not Force

Kids and Dogs: How Kids Should and Should Not Interact with Dogs

Onions and Dogs: A Lethal Combination

Proper Walking Technique: Turn an anxious dog into a calm dog in just minutes

Are Head Collars on Dogs Dangerous or Safe? It’s All About Technique!

Dog Bite Prevention Week: Poster on the Body Language of Fear and Aggression

Killer Dogs – predation and predatory aggression in pets

Feline Behavior


What to Do When Your Cat Poops Outside the Box

Training a Cat to Be Quiet: My Cat Meows Too Much, What Do I Do?

Cat Constantly Meows and Drives Owner Crazy

Separation Anxiety in Cats: When a Smelly Surprise Means Kitty Loves You

Litter Box Problems Could Be Due to Physical Ailment










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Additional Resources:


American College of Veterinary Behaviorists

The professional organization of veterinarians who have achieved board certification in the specialty of Veterinary Behavior. These individuals, Drs. Pachel & Pankratz among them, work with individual pet owners, other animal professionals, and facilities that care for animals in order to manage behavior problems and improve the well-being of animals.

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior

A group of veterinarians and research scientists dedicated to improving the lives of animals and people through an understanding of animal behavior.

International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants

This coalition encompasses veterinarians, animal trainers, animal shelter employees, academics, and practicing consultants who may not fit neatly into one of the aforementioned categories, all of whom are dedicated to standardizing and supporting the practice of animal behavior consulting for companion animal behavior problems within the public sphere.

Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians

By unifying veterinary technicians with a focus in behavior, the SVBT enriches human-animal interactions by promoting scientifically based techniques of training, management, and behavior modification. The SVBT includes technicians who have achieved their specialty in behavior as well as those with an interest in the field.

Association of Professional Dog Trainers 

A coalition of pet dog trainers dedicated to bettering the methods of dog training through education and research, for the advancement of trainers everywhere.




ASPCA Pet Care & Behavior Tips 

The ASPCA’s nationally recognized team of animal behaviorists offer possible solutions to a wide range of “stock” behavior issues. They provide potential solutions with easy step-by-step advice, and their large database helps you to pinpoint a variety of common behavior problems for dogs (found here) and cats (found here).