Arlington Animal Hospital

1126 Cesery Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32211



Ask us about our Free Vaccines for Life Program


Keep them healthier longer

Vaccines are a critical part of preventive care, helping protect your pet against common diseases that occur in animals. By making core vaccines FREE with this program, it’s a lifetime of preventive care for them, plus savings for you!

Vaccines included in program:

paw bullet icon DHPP (Distemper, Parvo)
paw bullet icon Leptospirosis
paw bullet icon Bordetella
paw bullet icon Rabies
paw bullet icon FVRCP (Feline Distemper)
paw bullet icon FeLV (Feline Leukemia)

All vaccinations given will be at the discretion of the doctor and as deemed necessary for pet due to risk factors.

* $179.95 per pet enrollment fee + cost of annual exam and any services.
Some restrictions apply. May not be combined with other offers.


Frequently Asked Questions

paw bullet icon The program is non-transferable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable.

paw bullet icon Your pet will receive free vaccines as long as the preventive exam is completed yearly. Any pet not returning within one month of the pet's exam due date will no longer be enrolled in the program. You may re-enroll your pet if desired.


paw bullet icon The Free Vaccines for Life program is not transferable to any other animal hospital.


paw bullet icon The program includes only the listed vaccinations as determined necessary for your pet's risks by your veterinarian.


paw bullet icon We do not currently offer any discounts on the Free Vaccines for Life program.